Here at Lamacoids Town, we strive to be the best both in quality, and price.
We offer custom-designed laser engraved lamacoids for commercial and industrial applications across Canada & United States.
Lamacoids Uses:
▪ Electrical labeling
▪ Building & Door signs
▪ Control Panel Markings
▪ Push Button Labels
▪ Transformer nameplates
▪ Directory Boards
▪ SLD & HV 1-line Diagrams
▪ Load Charts
▪ Locker Numbers
▪ Mimic Bus
▪ & Much More..

Electrical Labels
Lamacoids are utilized every day both indoor and open air to recognize lights, switches, buttons electrical panels, SLD Diagrams, Mimic Bus, additionally to caution administrators and laborers of possible dangers and to give guidance

Building & Door Signs
Create a professional esthetic for your Apartment Building, Condominium, Workplace, or Office by incorporating lamacoids labels or as referred to by other names as, Nameplates, legend plates, & plastic tags.

Industrial Tags & Aluminum Plates
We offer laser engraved anodized aluminum tags, along with Stainless Steels tags that have permanent contrasting mark that is extremely durable & can be used for Valve tags, Cable tags, Safety Signs, custom stencils & more.
Acrylic Lamacoid Colours
These are our most popular 2-Ply colors, Others are available.
a glipmse about lamacoids Town
What are the uses of Lamacoids?
Lamacoids are used for electrical labeling, building and door signs, control panel markings, push button labels, transformer nameplates, directory boards, SLD & HV 1-line diagrams, load charts, locker numbers, mimic bus, etc.
It is widely used because of its flexibility for internal and external applications. One of the professional engravers in Toronto, Canada, is Lamacoids Towns.
Why favor Lamacoids Towns?
As one of the most reliable custom push button labels manufacturers, Lamacoids town is a London-based business that provides custom-designed laser engraved lamacoids for mercantile and industrial applications in Canada & United States.
You can online order industrial control panel marking labels and electrical labeling. You can contact our sales via phone or online. We believe in precision through our work.